Mirador Heritage and Eco-Spirituality Park
Here is a beautiful video of the blessing of Al Salam and Salamat Gardens on February 4, 2025. This new art installation of Mindanaoan Artist Kublai Millan in Mirador Heritage and Eco-Spirituality Park expressesdeeply our communal aspiration for peace and heartfelt gratitude for God’s abundant gifts of sky, land and sea!
The Mirador Jesuit Villa Retreat House is a haven for photographers! Whether you are into landscape photography to nature and birds - you have plenty of options. Astro photography and macro photography, too.

A taste of Japan. Refreshing and one of the newest attractions in Baguio. Spend a day here since the place is huge and good for walking and a bit of climbing.

I would like to recommend that tourists or other types of travellers will join some retreats directed and guided by the Jesuits. They can also explore the eco park, rock garden, Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto and cafe Inigo where beautiful overlooking spots and city lights can been experienced while hiking, walking, praying, or even while drinking coffee.

How much is the entrance fee?
The entrance fee is 100 pesos only (below 12 years old is free), but one can give more as a donation for the maintenance of the place. There is no need for a reservation. You can also like and follow the Mirador Jesuit Villa Retreat House Facebook page for regular updates. Please follow our park regulations and health/safety protocols.
Are pets allowed?
No pets are allowed in the eco-spirituality park as a courtesy to other visitors.
Can we bring food to eat?
Sorry, no eating is allowed in the park as a courtesy to other visitors and for better maintenance. You can proceed to Cafe Iñigo for meals or nearby eateries outside Mirador Hill.
Are photoshoots allowed?
Kindly send us a message via our contact details below this page.